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Jon Jagger

Jon Jagger

Director of Software

Tell us a little bit about Jon Jagger
Hi, I’m Jon and I’ve loved writing software for the last 2D (hex) years! I specialize in test driven development and I’m fluent in C, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Ruby, Python, CSS, Bash, and HTML. In 2009, I started cyber-dojo to promote deliberate team-based practice for software developers. And in 2015, along with Seb Rose, Olive Maudal and Mike Long, we created the Cyber-jojo Foundation with one goal in mind: ​​to advance the education of the public in the subject of software development. Lastly, I’m the ex ECMA Task Group 2 C# convenor and the co-author of the Deep C/C++ slide deck (over 1 million views) 🤯 I live in Somerset, England, and I’m 36 years old (hex).

What drew you to Kosli?
I first met Mike at an ACCU conference decades ago. When I was fishing or consulting in Norway (which I did a lot when I was self-employed) I would always visit Mike. In 2009 I started my open-source cyber-dojo project. I decided to run it as a charitable organization and was delighted when Mike agreed to be one of the trustees. In short, I’ve known Mike a long time and trust him implicitly. I’d been self-employed for over 20 years (and never thought I would go back) but when Mike told me about the problem Kosli is solving I knew immediately it had huge potential for growing a new business. And Mike made me an offer my wife could not refuse 😉

What were you doing before Kosli?
I was a self-employed software consultant. I found tackling different problems and working on different cases really enjoyable and exciting. In my time, ​​I’ve worked with several companies, such as Accenture, Aviva, Cisco, Ericsson, Friends Provident, HP, Microsoft, Opera, Ordnance Survey, RBS, Reuters, Renault F1, Schlumberger, Tandberg and many, many more. Before joining Kosli I also spent a lot of time fishing and designing and implementing cyber-dojo.

What do you do in your spare time?
I recently became a grandad for the first time and I’m loving it. As much as I love coding and developing software, I also love coarse fishing and salmon fishing. The latter has been an ordeal for me during covid, but the feeling of catching one again was a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y fantastic! Besides fishing, I really enjoy reading a variety of books, from philosophy all the way to programming. I’ve also had some C# books published 🤓

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