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Just the facts" 🔏 🗒️ Introducing Software Delivery Evidence Management (SDEM)

The DevOps Detective: “Just the facts” Picture a gruff-voiced sergeant from the classic TV series “Dragnet,” but instead of solving crimes, they are navigating the complex …

From lean manufacturing to DevOps: The software factory revolution

In our journey through the evolution of compliance in the DevOps era, we’ve seen the limitations of traditional compliance methods and the high stakes of compliance failures. Manual processes, …

The high stakes of SDLC compliance: Lessons from EVE Online's battle of B-R5RB and Equifax

n our previous exploration of The Punchcard Paradigm, we traced the roots of modern compliance practices back to the early days of computing. We saw how the physical constraints of punchcards shaped …

The punchcard paradigm: Tracing the roots of modern compliance

In the early days of computing, creating software was a physical act, more akin to factory work than the streamlined digital process we know today. Programmers meticulously transcribed logic onto …

The Dark Side of DevSecOps and the case for Governance Engineering

For today’s software organizations security has never been more top of mind. On one side there is the present and growing threat of being hacked by malicious actors, set out in Crowdstrike’s recent …

Cybersecurity regulation and the software supply chain

It’s standard practice for software companies to use existing software components as building blocks for their new products. But what happens when those building blocks contain vulnerabilities …

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