Kosli Changelog - February 2023
Hello, and welcome to this month’s edition of the change log. We have events filter for environments, commit evidence, GitLab support, and doc updates to share with you, so let’s get straight into it. …
How to strangle old code using Python decorators
The Strangler Pattern is a pattern for safely and carefully retiring old code. The idea is simple - you run the old code and new code live, in production, side-by-side, checking that the new code …
A Deep Dive into fmt Printf in Golang
Go is a simple but versatile programming language developed by Robert Griesemer at Google. It is one of the most sought-after programming languages and continues to grow in popularity. Critical to its …
What is AWS Lambda? An Introduction and Guide with Examples
Serverless computing enables you to build and run applications and services without the need to manage infrastructure. With serverless computing, you can focus on writing and deploying your code …
How to Publish Your Golang Binaries with Goreleaser
Building CLI applications and tools is a fairly easy task in Golang (Go), especially with libraries like Cobra that make getting started a breeze. Once you finish developing your application or tool, …
Docker Inspect Explained: The Essential Guide
These days, it’s hard for a software engineer to go about their work without bumping into a Docker container. But when we bump into one that’s behaving oddly, how do we go about finding …
Help, we’re doing ISO27001! Why, what, and how?
At Stacc, Espen Thomassen Sæverud (CTO) & Øyvind Fanebust (Partner) have extensive experience in banking and finance with particular expertise in the area of Continuous Compliance. In this talk …
Regulations v DevSecOps: Requiem
In this 15 minute lightning talk, Diptesh “Dips” Mishra, CTO for Shoal (a Standard Chartered Venture) talks about the governance challenges that financial services organizations face when they look to …
Inside Investments Unlimited with John Willis
John Willis, Distinguished Researcher at Kosli, dives into Investments Unlimited - the latest novel from IT Revolution. It’s about an investment bank dealing with DevOps, DevSecOps, and IT Risk. John …