Backstage Developer Portal
*Disclaimer: The complete Backstage guide is open sourced on Github and you can suggest changes to the content if you know it needs updates. We continuously review the pull requests and improve the …
Kosli Changelog - November 2023
November has been a busy month for our team as we dive deep into crafting a new big feature. But in the midst of the coding chaos and hot debates, we’ve still managed to sprinkle in some cool …
ISO 27001 Compliance: Everything You Need to Know
Let’s talk about what ISO 27001 compliance means for the tech team. If you’re a CTO, DevOps team lead, or cyber security specialist, you’ll have a lot of plates spinning at any given point in time. …
Demystifying FEDRAMP and NIST for Continuous Compliance
Today, federal agencies rely extensively on Cloud-based SaaS applications for everything from payment processing and document management, to data security and employee workflow automation. These tools …
How to automate Snyk container scanning of your production environments
If you’re using containers to deploy your software, it is important to be aware of potential vulnerabilities within your container images. These may be introduced through dependencies in your built …
Succeeding with Backstage 4: Backstage as Part of a Broader Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) Initiative
Note: This article is part of our Backstage guide series. You can find the complete guide here. Additionally, all articles of the complete Backstage guide are open sourced on GitHub and you can submit …
Succeeding with Backstage 3: Improving Adoption
Note: This article is part of our Backstage guide series. You can find the complete guide here. Additionally, all articles of the complete Backstage guide are open sourced on GitHub and you can submit …
How to Automate Change Management for DevOps
Until fairly recently, software releases happened once or twice a year, maybe once a quarter. This gave IT teams plenty of time to verify and manually sign off on every change before they were …
Succeeding with Backstage 2: Building and Maintaining Custom Plugins
This second installment of the “Succeeding with Backstage” explains how to create a custom Backstage plugin. For many use cases, customizing the platform’s look using the methods from the …