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Articles by Ewelina Wilkosz

Kosli Changelog - August 2023

Summer vacations are over. Which is fine, because it means it’s time for Autumn vacations 😀 And Autumn is the best time of the year to visit mountains - mosquitoes are gone and the colors get …

Kosli Changelog - June 2023

Hello, and welcome to the June edition of the Changelog. It’s that time of the year when the days are long, the great outdoors are calling, and it’s not so easy to stay focused at work. But somehow we …

Kosli Changelog - May 2023

Hello, and welcome to the May edition of the changelog. I’ve been pretty busy this last month preparing my presentation for the NDC Oslo conference. So, I drifted away from the team for a bit, only to …

Kosli Changelog - April 2023

Hello, and welcome to the April edition of the changelog. The weather is finally starting to stabilize and resembles one rather than all the seasons. Parks are full of colors and goslings, and at …

Kosli Changelog - March 2023

Hello, and welcome to the March edition of the changelog. Spring is on her way, days are now longer than nights (at least in the northern hemisphere where me and my Kosli colleagues reside) and new …

Kosli Changelog - February 2023

Hello, and welcome to this month’s edition of the change log. We have events filter for environments, commit evidence, GitLab support, and doc updates to share with you, so let’s get straight into it. …

Kosli Changelog - January 2023

With the beginning of the year days are getting longer and the Kosli team is full of energy! So new features and fixes are flying in. There is a lot of work done with backend focus, so the app stays …

Kosli Changelog - December 2022

End of the year is just around the corner and many of us will leave for a holiday break soon. So this time you hear from us long before the month is over. Nothing to worry about! So much is happening …

Kosli Changelog - November 2022

A lot is happening at Kosli headquarters and satellite offices (or homes! How sweet working for a remote first company can be). In this post we’d like to share some of the latest additions that …

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