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Articles by Ewelina Wilkosz

“Did I break prod?” Part 2. Introducing the Kosli Search command

A few months ago, I shared the Eureka moment! I had when I realized how much easier (and less stressful) my earlier career as a developer would have been if I’d had Kosli. Tl;dr - I thought I’d …

Tracking changes for your Amazon S3 and Lambda functions with Kosli

The benefits of serverless software architecture include faster and more fine grained changes to your software without worrying about managing hardware resources. This increase in change volume can be …

“Did I break prod?😰” The day I realized Kosli would’ve known the answer

If you had the chance to read my first blogpost for Kosli, describing my first week at the company, you’ll know I wasn’t exactly a Kosli expert when I started. At the beginning I spent most of my time …

How are Docker digests calculated and are they mutable?

To ensure binary provenance in your software development process you must, among other things, have confidence that the artifact doesn’t change. If you use a code review and test result as an …

My experience of working remotely with our customers

In my previous blog post I described the onboarding experience at Kosli and how I got started with my colleagues in a remote-first company. This time I’d like to take this topic further and talk about …

My first week at Kosli - Meet, mobbing, and more!

At the beginning of November I started at Kosli. It’s not my first job - I have plenty of experience when it comes to starting afresh. In my time as a consultant it felt like I was starting a new job …

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