Big News: Kosli’s achives Series A milestone with Deutsche Bank as an investor - Read the announcement

Articles by John Willis

DevSecOps: The Broken or Blurred Lines of Defense

With the modern patterns and practices of DevOps and DevSecOps it’s not clear who the front-line owners are anymore. Today, most organizations’ internal audit processes have lots of toil and low …

Knight Capital - A story about DevOps Automated Governance

Knight Capital Group, Inc. was a global financial services firm that operated in the world’s premier market-making, electronic execution, and offered side platform. It was one of the leading …

Why I joined Kosli - a story about DevOps and modern governance

Maybe I’m crazy, but I’ve just joined my 12th startup at the age of 63. Kosli is the product I’ve been looking for since I started talking about this idea five years ago, but until recently I …

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Ready to Automate Governance?
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