Big News: Kosli’s achives Series A milestone with Deutsche Bank as an investor - Read the announcement


Culture starts with people and practices. Our collection of culture articles will help you and your team build solid foundations for being more effective, more collaborative, and just plain happier at work
Looking back on 2022: Kosli wrap-up

Looking back on 2022: Kosli wrap-up

When you work in a startup, it’s easy to get so focussed on the day to day tasks and it can feel like nothing is really changing. It’s only when you take a step back that you can see the bigger picture and realize just how far you’ve come and what you have accomplished. When I look back over the last 12 months I can see how far we’ve come and know we have a lot of things to celebrate at Kosli.

10 books you need to read if you’re building a developer tool company

If you’re building developer tools in a startup, you’re always inundated by the items on your plate and the decisions you need to make. However, despite this growing mountain of tasks, one important …

“Did I break prod?😰” The day I realized Kosli would’ve known the answer

If you had the chance to read my first blogpost for Kosli, describing my first week at the company, you’ll know I wasn’t exactly a Kosli expert when I started. At the beginning I spent most of my time …

My experience of working remotely with our customers

In my previous blog post I described the onboarding experience at Kosli and how I got started with my colleagues in a remote-first company. This time I’d like to take this topic further and talk about …

8 reasons why we do ensemble programming

At Kosli we do as much of our work as possible in a group setting, especially (but not limited to) programming. In our experience most tech teams don’t do this and we think they’re missing out on all …

My first week at Kosli - Meet, mobbing, and more!

At the beginning of November I started at Kosli. It’s not my first job - I have plenty of experience when it comes to starting afresh. In my time as a consultant it felt like I was starting a new job …

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Ready to Automate Governance?
Ready to Automate Governance?
Sounds like magic? Watch how its done.

Sounds like magic? Watch how its done.