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python flask docker

How to run your Python Flask server inside a readonly Docker container

Jon Jagger
Author Jon Jagger
Published March 7, 2023 in technology
clock icon 3 min read

In a previous blog we showed you how to strangle old code using Python decorators. This 5 minute blog post shows you how to run a Python Flask server in a readonly Docker container. The steps are implemented in the public tdd repo.


The yaml to run a Flask server inside a read-only container is simple:

	read_only: true
	tmpfs: [ /tmp ]

Python cache files

When Python runs it creates .pyc cache files close to the cached files. It can’t do this in a read-only container. You can set the PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX environment variable in the server’s Dockerfile to a directory it can write to, such as a subdir of /tmp.


Typical asset bundling won’t work

In a typical server startup, asset files are bundled together. In the example below, all the separate CSS files in the static/css/ directory get bundled into a new CSS file called bundle.css in the same directory:

from flash import Flask
from flask_assets import Environment, Bundle
from pathlib import Path

def app():
	server = Flask(__name__)
	assets = Environment(server)
	init_css(server, assets)

def init_css(server, assets):
	css_files = asset_file_paths(server, "css")
	css = Bundle(*css_files, filters='cssmin', output='bundle.css')
	server.register('css', css)

def asset_file_paths(server, dir_name):
	static_path = Path(f'{server.root_path}/static/{dir_name}')
	return [f'{static_path}/{file.name}' for file in static_path.iterdir()]	

This won’t work in a read-only container because Python will not be able to create new files inside the ../static/css/directory.

Static asset pre-bundling

To overcome this problem, Kosli pre-bundles the SCSS and JS files in a separate step which runs before building the server image. The bash commands to do this are:

GIT_COMMIT_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD)docker run --rm \
	--volume "${HOST_ROOT_DIR}/package.json:/app/package.json:ro" \
	--volume "${HOST_ROOT_DIR}/source/static/scss:/app/scss:rw" \
	--volume "${HOST_ROOT_DIR}/source/static/js:/app/js:rw" \
	assets-builder:v1 \
	bash -c "npm run build"

When these commands complete successfully:

  • The SCSS files are bundled into a file called bundle.${GIT_COMMIT_SHA}.css
  • The JS files are bundled into a file called bundle.${GIT_COMMIT_SHA}.js

The package.json file is as follows:

  "name": "kosli",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "kosli css",
  "main": "index.js",
  "directories": { "doc": "docs" },
  "scripts": {
	"remove:assets": "rm -f scss/bundle.*.css js/bundle.*.js",
	"compile:css": "sass --no-source-map ... --style expanded",
	"prefix:css": "postcss ... -o scss/bundle.prefixed.css",
	"compress:css": "sass --no-source-map ... --style compressed",
	"cleanup:css": "rm scss/bundle.prefixed.css scss/bundle.css",
	"rename:css": "mv ... scss/bundle.${GIT_COMMIT_SHA}.css",
	"bundle:js": "bundle-js ... js/bundle.${GIT_COMMIT_SHA}.js",
	"build": "npm-run-all remove:assets ..."
  "devDependencies": {
	"autoprefixer": "^10.4.12",
	"npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
	"postcss": "^8.4.18",
	"postcss-cli": "^10.0.0",
	"sass": "^1.55.0",
	"bundle-js": "^1.0.3"

The assets-builder:v1 docker image is created from the file Dockerfile.assets

FROM node
RUN npm i sass postcss postcss-cli autoprefixer npm-run-all bundle-js --save-dev

using the bash command:

docker build --tag assets-builder:v1 -f Dockerfile.assets .

The server source has two functions to return the path to the pre-bundled files:

from flask import url_for
import os

def bundle_css():
	return url_for(‘static’, filename=fscss/bundle.{git_commit_sha()}.css”)

def bundle_js():
	return url_for(‘static’, filename=fjs/bundle.{git_commit_sha()}.js”)

def git_commit_sha():
	return os.environ.get("GIT_COMMIT_SHA")

These functions are called in the html head section:

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="UTF-8" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ bundle_css }}" />
	<script src="{{ bundle_js }}"></script>

Congratulations! You now know how to run a Python Flask server in a readonly Docker container.


Published March 7, 2023, in technology


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