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Kosli Changelog - April 2023

Ewelina Wilkosz
Published April 28, 2023 in technology
clock icon 3 min read

Hello, and welcome to the April edition of the changelog. The weather is finally starting to stabilize and resembles one rather than all the seasons. Parks are full of colors and goslings, and at Kosli we’re as busy as ever, so let’s get right into it.

Azure DevOps support

We’ve barely released cli version 2.0.0* but improvements are flying in. One of them is support for Azure DevOps added in cli version 2.2.0*

From now on we’re supporting reporting (and verifying the existence of) Pull Requests in your Azure DevOps Repositories:

And if you’re using Azure DevOps Pipelines, certain flags are now defaulted in CI: https://docs.kosli.com/integrations/ci_cd/

Exclude files/subdirectories from reporting for server environment type

If you use Kosli to report a server type environment you might have discovered that things get complicated if the content of the reported directory type artifact changes after the deployment - i.e. you may be collecting runtime logs inside the reported directory. 

Naturally, that will affect the fingerprint of the artifact running on your server and cause Kosli to not recognize the artifact anymore. Worry no more! From now on (or, to be more specific, from cli version 2.1.0*) you can exclude selected files or subdirectories from the kosli snapshot server report using the –exclude flag.

Excluded paths are relative to the artifact path(s) and can be literal paths or glob patterns. The supported glob pattern syntax is documented here: https://pkg.go.dev/path/filepath#Match

API available for everyone

Many of you have asked for Kosli API to be made available and we know you’ve been waiting patiently for it. 😱

We were careful and took our time with this because we didn’t want to give you the pain of having to redo all your scripts after we introduce a few significant changes.

We’re pretty confident that it is safe enough to release it now, so feel free to dig into it: https://app.kosli.com/api/v2/doc/. 

The link is available at app.kosli.com under the dropdown menu you’ll see after clicking on your avatar.

Keep in mind that it is still beta, so minor changes and improvements will keep popping up.

Artifact lead times in snapshot view 

Reporting to Kosli means you collect a lot of useful metadata and it would be a waste not to use it, right? For example, we register the information about when a commit was created and you can see it in artifact view:

kosli app screen shot

We also know when the artifact was reported running in a given environment:

kosli app screen shot

So, it’s almost natural that we can and should calculate the lead time between a commit appearing in a repository and an artifact it generated appearing in an environment:

kosli app environment screenshot

* Keep in mind that switching to version 2.x.x if you’re using 0.1.x requires a bit of work. We’ve prepared a mini migration support document that should make the effort easier: https://docs.kosli.com/getting_started/migration/


Published April 28, 2023, in technology


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