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kosli changelog february 2023

Kosli Changelog - February 2023

Ewelina Wilkosz
Published March 3, 2023 in technology
clock icon 2 min read

Hello, and welcome to this month’s edition of the change log. We have events filter for environments, commit evidence, GitLab support, and doc updates to share with you, so let’s get straight into it. 

Events filter in Environments

We have added a filter to the environment “Log” view. You can choose which artifacts (based on Kosli pipeline) and which event type (started running, exited, changed) you want to see. And, as well as seeing the filtered list on the web page, you can also export it to .csv file.

Now we have added the possibility to narrow down the result to a specific time period:

snapshot of the filter section

Commit evidence

Long awaited commit evidence has finally arrived. We’ve heard from many of you that you’d like to have the possibility to add evidence to a commit - e.g. some of the tests or the Pull Request or Merge Request evidence relates to source code and not just one specific artifact. 

So it makes sense to be able to report it once and let it be attached to selected artifact(s). When Kosli finds an artifact built from a commit matching the commit of the reported commit evidence it will automatically attach the evidence to the artifact. 

When reporting the commit evidence, you can use –pipelines flag to determine which Kosli pipelines contain artifacts that you want the commit evidence to be attached to.

Here are the supported commit evidence types:

Gitlab support

Using Kosli is a tiny bit easier for Github and Bitbucket users - a number of flags that our commands require was automatically provided with the values read directly from your CI. If you look at you can see a “Gitlab’’ tab added, and together with  kosli commit report evidence gitlab-mergerequest and kosli pipeline artifact report evidence gitlab-mergerequest commands it will make it much easier to use Kosli with Gitlab too.

Documentation updates

While working intensively with our code we do not neglect - updates and fixes (also suggested by you) are coming constantly. The pace of changes in our tools is really fast and now we made it possible to browse the command reference for older versions of our CLI for those of you who need to stay with an older version for a bit longer. You can find it below latest CLI Reference at


Published March 3, 2023, in technology


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