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kosli changelog june 2023 terminal

Kosli Changelog - June 2023

Ewelina Wilkosz
Published June 30, 2023 in technology
clock icon 2 min read

Hello, and welcome to the June edition of the Changelog. It’s that time of the year when the days are long, the great outdoors are calling, and it’s not so easy to stay focused at work. But somehow we manage! And we have cooked up some delicious improvements for you. Let’s dig in!

Lambda environment report 

It has been possible to report lambda type environments for a while - we started with a simple snapshot of a single lambda deployed as a zip archive. Now you can do much more! 

Image deployment type

The latest version of Kosli cli automatically detects lambda deployment types (zip or image) and processes their digests accordingly.

Multiple lambdas in one environment

Some of you were interested in reporting multiple lambdas to one environment in Kosli. Now, using the –function-names flag you can provide the names of the functions you want to report (as a comma separated list) and Kosli will record them in a single snapshot.

You may even want to report ALL the lambdas running in a given AWS account and that might be a veeeeeery long list. Maybe a bit too long to prepare and maintain. If that’s the case, don’t worry - we’ve got you covered! Simply omit the –function-names flag when calling the kosli snapshot lambda command and we’ll record all the functions in a snapshot.


A new and extended version of Kosli Notifications is now available. You can configure notifications for different environments and event types and use a different webhook for each - e.g. if you want them to be delivered to different slack channels.

notifications on Kosli app

You can find configuration for notifications under “Settings” (in the left hand side menu).

CircleCI support

Finally, we have more support for CircleCI. If you use CircleCI you can now rely on Kosli cli to automatically detect:

  • build-url
  • commit-url
  • git-commit 

So, you don’t need to provide these as Kosli cli flags in your CircleCI pipelines. Read more in our documentation and, as always, reach out to us in Kosli Community slack with any questions you might have.


Published June 30, 2023, in technology


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