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kosli changelog october 2024

Kosli Changelog October 2024

Jonathan Coull
Published October 28, 2024 in technology
clock icon 2 min read

Welcome to October’s edition of the Kosli Changelog. The season might be spooky, but the product updates we delivered this month are far from it. Quality over quantity is the motto for this month, with the updates focusing on logical environments and taking snapshots of all ECS clusters in an AWS account.

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Let a real environment say that it is part of a logical environment

Option for a physical environment to say it is part of a logical environment.

Up until now a logical environment has been configured by adding a set of physical environments to a logical environment. From the API it has been done like this:

kosli create environment logicalMix \
	--type logical \
	--included-environments physicalEnv1,physicalEnv2,physicalEnv3

Updating the logical environment if an extra physicalEnv4 is added has been cumbersome since they often exist in different work-flows.

We have now added the option that a physical environment can say that it is part of a logical environment.

kosli join environment \
	--physical physicalEnv4 \
	--logical logicalMix

Add option for auto-discovery of clusters in snapshot ECS

Starting from CLI v2.11.0 , it is possible to snapshot all ECS clusters in an AWS account. You can still snapshot selected subset by cluster names or regex patterns for cluster names to include or exclude. 

Checkout the AWS ECS snapshot command for usage details.


Published October 28, 2024, in technology


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