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How to Automate Change Management for DevOps

Until fairly recently, software releases happened once or twice a year, maybe once a quarter. This gave IT teams plenty of time to verify and manually sign off on every change before they were …

Inside Investments Unlimited with John Willis

John Willis, Distinguished Researcher at Kosli, dives into Investments Unlimited - the latest novel from IT Revolution. It’s about an investment bank dealing with DevOps, DevSecOps, and IT Risk. John …

Knight Capital - A story about DevOps Automated Governance

Knight Capital Group, Inc. was a global financial services firm that operated in the world’s premier market-making, electronic execution, and offered side platform. It was one of the leading …

How to define your software process using the Secure SDLC process template

Something I’ve learned over the last 10 years of helping organizations with DevOps is that teams frequently struggle to define a software development process. You’ll find a lot of content on Google …

DevOps Compliance Agency (DCA) investigating The DevOps Enterprise Summit in Las vegas

Kosli has been tipped off that at this year’s DevOps Enterprise Summit in Las Vegas (Oct 18-20) the DevOps Compliance Agency (DCA) will be in attendance to review and monitor conference …

Review: Investments Unlimited - A Novel about DevOps, Security, Audit Compliance, and Thriving in the Digital Age

“You know, it may feel like regulators are out to get us, but they’re really there to help us and help protect our customers.” If you’re into DevOps there’s a pretty good chance at least one book from …

Why developers need a DevOps database

Can you imagine developing software without version control? What if I told you that we were doing exactly the same thing with DevOps? In this article I’ll explain why developers need a database for …

How to deliver software with Continuous Compliance: A DevOps culture

Imagine your developers are the world’s fastest relay team 🏃 When it comes to build, test, and qualify they get round the running track faster than anyone else. Unfortunately for them the finishing …

Why ITIL Change Management doesn’t work for DevOps teams

Are you trying to do DevOps under regulation? If so, you’ll know the pain of change management. In this article we’ll look at how delivering software with DevOps is incompatible with old school ways …

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