The Ultimate Guide to git blame: A How To with Examples
Source control tools give users many powers and one of the big ones is traceability. With traceability tools you can know exactly who made each change and when they made it. In Git, you use the git …
Git Blame in VS Code: The 4 Best Options
Most production projects have a team collaborating on them, so even in a single file there can be multiple contributors. When things go wrong, it’s useful to understand how and why certain changes …
Using git diff to Compare Tags: A Guide With Examples
In Git, you can use the git diff command for comparisons. This command is very powerful and flexible, and it covers a lot of ground, but today we’ll be narrowing the scope down to the “git …
Git Grep Like a Pro: The Complete Guide
How do you search for a given string inside many different files? If you’re familiar with the command line, you have the answer on the tip of your tongue: grep. You may know that there is a …
Git and the benefits and challenges of everything-as-code
Git has been a central part of the DevOps story. Our continuous integration systems run builds, produce artifacts, execute tests, and ultimately deploy systems defined as code in our git repositories. …
Using Git for a compliance audit trail
Kosli is a DevOps change management platform for storing a record of compliance controls. It helps financial institutions, medical device manufacturers, automotive and other mission-critical …
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