Get Python test coverage faster without killing your server
Getting system test coverage from a Python web server is not straightforward. If you search the internet all the hits describe killing the server (eg gunicorn) to get the coverage exit handlers to …
How to Securely Create, Edit, and Update Your Kubernetes Secrets
Secrets centrally store confidential data such as passwords, API keys, and certificates inside your Kubernetes cluster. You can inject secrets into your pods as environment variables or files in a …
Understanding Your Kubernetes Deployment Lifecycle—A Guide with Examples
Kubernetes today is the foremost container orchestration platform in the cloud-native ecosystem. It’s an open source system with rich features backed by a large and growing community. Its …
Kosli Changelog - December 2022
End of the year is just around the corner and many of us will leave for a holiday break soon. So this time you hear from us long before the month is over. Nothing to worry about! So much is happening …
Looking back on 2022: Kosli wrap-up
When you work in a startup, it’s easy to get so focussed on the day to day tasks and it can feel like nothing is really changing. It’s only when you take a step back that you can see the bigger …
10 books you need to read if you’re building a developer tool company
If you’re building developer tools in a startup, you’re always inundated by the items on your plate and the decisions you need to make. However, despite this growing mountain of tasks, one important …
Why I joined Kosli - a story about DevOps and modern governance
Maybe I’m crazy, but I’ve just joined my 12th startup at the age of 63. Kosli is the product I’ve been looking for since I started talking about this idea five years ago, but until recently I …
Understanding Kubernetes Events: A Guide
Kubernetes events document the changes that occur inside your cluster. Viewing stored events can explain problems and help you resolve failures. An event is generated automatically each time …
Kosli Changelog - November 2022
A lot is happening at Kosli headquarters and satellite offices (or homes! How sweet working for a remote first company can be). In this post we’d like to share some of the latest additions that …
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