We are thrilled to announce 📢 Kosli is now SOC 2 Type 2 compliant - Read more
New Feature: Kosli Trails is liveCreate comprehensive audit trails for any DevOps activity - Read more
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“Did I break prod?😰” The day I realized Kosli would’ve known the answer

If you had the chance to read my first blogpost for Kosli, describing my first week at the company, you’ll know I wasn’t exactly a Kosli expert when I started. At the beginning I spent most of my time …

Why developers need a DevOps database

Can you imagine developing software without version control? What if I told you that we were doing exactly the same thing with DevOps? In this article I’ll explain why developers need a database for …

Merkely is now Kosli!

Merkely is now Kosli! Hello! We would like to announce that we have renamed and rebranded as Kosli. A lot has happened over the last six months and it’s time for a new sign above the door and a …

Next Stop: DevOpsDays Amsterdam 🇳🇱

You could say that we love going to events. And you would be right! 😉 What better way to meet all of you, talk software development, and give you a sneak peak of what we’re working on. And, in case it …

Continuous Delivery Change Management in ITIL Frameworks

Key takeaways ITIL change management framework doesn’t work for frequent software releases That’s a problem because regulated teams want continuous delivery By automating change management they can …

How to deliver software with Continuous Compliance: A DevOps culture

Imagine your developers are the world’s fastest relay team 🏃 When it comes to build, test, and qualify they get round the running track faster than anyone else. Unfortunately for them the finishing …

We’re going to DevOpsDays Denmark 🎉

Hurray! DevOpsDays is heading to Denmark and Kosli is proud to be a Silver sponsor. We’re delighted to have the opportunity to join up with the local DevOps community, see old friends, and make some …

Why ITIL Change Management doesn’t work for DevOps teams

Are you trying to do DevOps under regulation? If so, you’ll know the pain of change management. In this article we’ll look at how delivering software with DevOps is incompatible with old school ways …

Visma Tech Talk with Kosli's Mike Long - DevOps: The Beginning of Infinity

In this video Mike speaks to Tinuis Alexander Lystad from Visma about his latest talk, DevOps: The Beginning of Infinity. Inspired by David Deutsch, Mike explores the concept of infinite knowledge …

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We’re here to help, our customers range from larges fintechs, medtechs and regulated business all looking to streamline their DevOps audit trails

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