The Jan Bosch Interview: Industry and Academia
A few weeks ago Jan Bosch joined Kosli as an investor and advisor. Shortly after his arrival I interviewed him about a range of software related topics. Our conversation will form the basis for a …
How to automate a secure chain of custody across your pipelines in 5 steps
Imagine you’re a Fintech CTO 🤓 with several teams and tens of microservices. Do you know what’s currently running in prod? How about yesterday? A week ago? Last month? And if you do know what’s in …
We're heading to DevOps Con Berlin!
Later this month Mike Long, our CEO, will give a talk on DevOps and Change Management at DevOps Con in Berlin. Here’s a little taste of what you can expect on June 14th. Is it possible to do DevOps in …
DevOps and the future of Change Management
Here’s your chance to catch up on the talk @meekrosoft gave at BCS EDN where he discussed the change management challenges associated with practising DevOps in regulated industries. In sectors …
Is faster actually safer? How software physics beats human psychology
Sometimes doom-scrolling through Twitter has its rewards. A few weeks ago, in between the Ever Given🚢 memes (how we miss the big boat!) and the usual screams😱 into the void, I came across this tweet …
What the FCA found when analyzing 1 million production changes
A recent FCA report shows that the financial services industry needs to reimagine its approach to change management. By analyzing data from over 1 million production changes, they found out what works …
How To Release Compliant Software on Demand
In this blog we’ll explain how to automate the change and release compliance in a Secure Software Development Lifecycle. Kosli is a new technology that enables teams in regulated industries, like …
How to Ensure Software Provenance. Just like Google.
Google has always been a leader when it comes to security culture and their approach to managing a secure development lifecycle is no exception. This article introduces Google’s Binary Authorization …
Introducing Continuous Compliance with Kosli
In this article we introduce new technology that allows you to automate the change and release compliance in a Secure Software Development Lifecycle. It’s called Kosli, the DevOps Change Management …
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