We are thrilled to announce 📢 Kosli is now SOC 2 Type 2 compliant - Read more
✨ New Feature: Kosli Trails is live ✨ Create comprehensive audit trails for any DevOps activity - Read more
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What Is Broken-Access Control? Examples and Prevention

Access control is a security mechanism that regulates who has access to sensitive data, resources, and systems. It ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive data and activities while …

Docker Secrets: An Introductory Guide with Examples

Securing sensitive data is crucial for any application, but managing this data can be complex and error-prone. Docker secrets provide a reliable and secure way to handle sensitive information like …

How to prove your SDLC is being followed for compliance with medical standards like IEC 62304

If you’re part of a software engineering team in digital health, medtech, medical devices, Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), etc. you have to comply with regulatory standards. And one of the …

Kosli Changelog - April 2023

Hello, and welcome to the April edition of the changelog. The weather is finally starting to stabilize and resembles one rather than all the seasons. Parks are full of colors and goslings, and at …

Kosli - A Flight Data Recorder for your Runtime Environments

Have you ever had to debug an environment and found it hard to understand exactly what had changed? In the worst case scenarios you have to figure this out during high-pressure situations, like when …

The Benefits and Challenges of Building an SBOM

The EO 14028 regarding supply chain security and the need to generate a Software Bill of Materials feels closer to more and more organizations. It might feel like a threat - and that’s a fair feeling. …

What is an SBOM and do you REALLY need it?

Your code base is growing more and more by the minute alongside the apps your business uses and develops. To give some context, the Linux Foundation Report estimated that “Free and Open Source …

Kosli Changelog - March 2023

Hello, and welcome to the March edition of the changelog. Spring is on her way, days are now longer than nights (at least in the northern hemisphere where me and my Kosli colleagues reside) and new …

How to Provision Your AWS Lambda Function Using Terraform

AWS Lamdba is one of the most popular players in the serverless industry. It enables you to run serverless functions on the cloud, which gives you enhanced scalability and optimized costs. Instead of …

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