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The Dark Side of DevSecOps and the case for Governance Engineering

For today’s software organizations security has never been more top of mind. On one side there is the present and growing threat of being hacked by malicious actors, set out in Crowdstrike’s recent …

The Benefits and Challenges of Building an SBOM

The EO 14028 regarding supply chain security and the need to generate a Software Bill of Materials feels closer to more and more organizations. It might feel like a threat - and that’s a fair feeling. …

What is an SBOM and do you REALLY need it?

Your code base is growing more and more by the minute alongside the apps your business uses and develops. To give some context, the Linux Foundation Report estimated that “Free and Open Source …

How to Publish Your Golang Binaries with Goreleaser

Building CLI applications and tools is a fairly easy task in Golang (Go), especially with libraries like Cobra that make getting started a breeze. Once you finish developing your application or tool, …

A short history of the software bill of materials (SBOM)

Many people are talking about the software bill of materials, but few know about SBOM origins. I find it essential to understand the genesis of ideas, so let’s talk about the beginning of the SBOM. …

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