Help, we’re doing ISO27001! Why, what, and how?
At Stacc, Espen Thomassen Sæverud (CTO) & Øyvind Fanebust (Partner) have extensive experience in banking and finance with particular expertise in the area of Continuous Compliance. In this talk …
Regulations v DevSecOps: Requiem
In this 15 minute lightning talk, Diptesh “Dips” Mishra, CTO for Shoal (a Standard Chartered Venture) talks about the governance challenges that financial services organizations face when they look to …
Inside Investments Unlimited with John Willis
John Willis, Distinguished Researcher at Kosli, dives into Investments Unlimited - the latest novel from IT Revolution. It’s about an investment bank dealing with DevOps, DevSecOps, and IT Risk. John …
The Misunderstood Troll - A story about collaboration, communication and visibility in a regulated software organizations
In this talk Alex Kantor, Director of Technology at Modulr, will show you how they used Kosli to enable their developers to release directly to production in a financially regulated environment - …
Visma Tech Talk with Kosli's Mike Long - DevOps: The Beginning of Infinity
In this video Mike speaks to Tinuis Alexander Lystad from Visma about his latest talk, DevOps: The Beginning of Infinity. Inspired by David Deutsch, Mike explores the concept of infinite knowledge …
DevOps and the future of Change Management
Here’s your chance to catch up on the talk @meekrosoft gave at BCS EDN where he discussed the change management challenges associated with practising DevOps in regulated industries. In sectors …
Ready to Automate Governance?