Big News: Kosli’s achives Series A milestone with Deutsche Bank as an investor - Read the announcement

Enhance your developer experience with the missing data layer for your platform

Kosli automatically records, connects, and monitors all changes across your distributed delivery pipelines and runtime environments, providing a comprehensive, real-time DevOps database. Remove the compliance and audit burden from your developers AND give yourself the power to quickly pinpoint changes during incidents and outages.
Platform Engineering & Developer Experience
Visibility from code to production

Visibility from code to production

Platform users struggle to get the picture of what’s changing in real time. Kosli provides a centralized view that connects deployments and environment changes to repository diffs, pipelines and build information.
Faster incident response

Faster incident response

Alerts are firing and your dashboards are red. Is it a code change in the deployment or a manual environment change? With Kosli you can pinpoint deployments, Infrastructure as Code, and manual drift in seconds.
Integrations and Powerful Search

Integrations and Powerful Search

With all the facts recorded in Kosli you can build your own automations based on what’s changing. Provide every stakeholder with the data that’s important for them via CLI tools, dashboards, and Slack notifications.

Software delivery compliance and audit for any standard

AICPA SOC logo ISAE 3402 logo HIPAA logo FedRAMP logo ISO logo PCI DSS logo NICST logo SCF logo FDA logo IEC logo

A Live Service Catalog Across Your Software Value Streams

Share DevOps changes in real-time

Tracking the source of changes can be frustrating, especially in fast-moving distributed architectures. Kosli gives you a live map of what’s running and where it came from, regardless of your tools or process.
  • See what's running in any environment No more digging through cloud consoles and pipeline logs. Kosli gives you a live view of what's in production, which repo and commit it came from, and how, where, and when it was deployed.
  • Developer-centric DevOps changes Tracing runtime changes to code commits can be a nightmare. With Kosli you can compare production and staging at any point in time, and see the git diff for any deployment.
  • Powerful CLI, API and Slack Integrations Kosli provides rich query and search features from the CLI, API, and Slack.

A time machine for your runtime environments

Follow your changes through the CI pipeline to deployment and beyond. Track the full history of every build, test, security scan and deployment. See if your commit is running in prod. Know when you’re done done.
  • Find what changed when an outage occurs Kosli helps you to recover from incidents faster by giving you immediate answers when the alerts start firing.
  • Investigate security incidents with environment forensics When environments change it can be impossible to go back in time to investigate security incidents. Kosli keeps the receipts when things change.
  • Detect manual changes and deployments Kosli tracks what's really running in production so you can know when manual deployments or changes happen to an environment.

Enforce security standards and guardrails across the software supply chain

Compare the changes to your environment between the current and last known running version. Diff environments as easily as git commits and see how they’ve really changed.
  • Cryptographic chain of custody Avoid manual errors and insider threats. Kosli tracks changes using cryptographic fingerprints so you can ensure what you qualify is what you deploy
  • Centralized security attestations Auditing security controls across diverse pipelines, tools and environments is time consuming and error prone. Give your security team a centralized view on security controls and catch problems before they bite you.
  • Automate controls in your pipelines Put security controls such as code review, SAST, DAST, and approvals in your CI, with automated evidence collection and attestation.
  • Alerts for unexpected deployments Get notified when undocumented workloads start running and see if they’re a threat to your systems.

Ace SDLC audits without wasting engineering time

Give developers the power to deploy their own changes without tickets or meetings. Capture your whole software delivery process as data and automate provable change records.
  • Centralize compliance system of record Avoid audit surprises by always having up to date receipts. React to policy deviations in real-time, not at audit time.
  • Always be audit ready Don’t waste time hunting in tools, systems, and documentation. Get a full map of what’s changed and compare it with the evidence you have for process compliance.
  • Export Evidence for auditors with Audit Packages and CSV export Give auditors proof of code review, SAST, DAST, and approvals for any change

Trusted by the World’s Largest Banks & Regulated Industries

Kosli is helping industry leaders move faster while staying compliant

Ready to Automate Governance?

Book a consultation to see how Kosli eliminates compliance overhead and accelerates delivery.
Ready to Automate Governance?
Ready to Automate Governance?
Sounds like magic? Watch how its done.

Sounds like magic? Watch how its done.