🥳 Events are back! And that means we can finally get the Kosli show on the road 🚎 [Updated 26/11/21]
First stop is DevOpsDays Oslo on Nov 16th at Rebel where Kosli are proud to sponsor the event.
Make friends with change
Meet the team at our stand 👋 and find out what our engineers are up to at Kosli. We’re super excited to meet old friends and new and hear about all the DevOps stories we’ve missed during lockdown.
We’ve also got some treats 🍫 in store and don’t forget to pick up an Arti sticker while you’re at the event. Tag us in your laptop pics pls! 🙏
Kosli on stage (Updated)
🥳 That was such a great event! It was so good to see so many there - including many people attending a DevOps Days gathering for the first time 🥰
Our own Mike Long 🤓 opened the day with a talk on DevOps: The Beginning Of Infinity. You can check out the video of Mikes talk here…
And Jon wasn’t on the initial bill, but a late cancellation created an opportunity for him to present a short version of his talk Testing as an equal 1st class citizen (to coding)…
📣 Finally, shout out to our fellow sponsors Entur, Eficode and Microsoft and many thanks to the organizers 🙌 for putting the event together. We’re already looking forward to next year! 👍